Anaglyph Methods Comparison
This page compares several anaglyph methods. It gives the formulas to
calculate the anaglyph's RGB values ra, ga
and ba from the RGB values of the original left (r1,
g1, b1) and right images (r2,
g2, b2). The formulas must be applied for
each pixel.
Click on the sample images to enlarge them.
True Anaglyphs

- Dark image
- No color reproduction
- Little ghosting

Gray Anaglyphs

- No color reproduction
- More ghosting than true anaglyphs

Color Anaglyphs

- Partial color reproduction
- Retinal rivalry

Half Color Anaglyphs

- Partial color reproduction (but not as good as color anaglyphs)
- Less retinal rivalry than color anaglyphs

Optimized Anaglyphs

In addition, we applied a gamma correction (gamma value 1.5) to brighten up
final red channel ra.
Stereoscopic Player implements a
further improved algorithm which partially maps the red channels to green and
blue before applying the above formula.
- Partial color reproduction (but not of red shades)
- Almost no retinal rivalry
When we talk about retinal rivalry, we just mean the retinal rivalry caused
by brightness differences of colored objects. Of course there is an additional
form of retinal rivalry, independently of the anaglyph method used: retinal
rivalry caused by the different color channels perceived by left and right eye.

Here is another sample image.
Color Anaglyph

Half Color Anaglyph

Optimized Anaglyph

And another few sample images...
Color Anaglyph

Half Color Anaglyph

Optimized Anaglyph

Color Anaglyph

Half Color Anaglyph

Optimized Anaglyph

Color Anaglyph

Half Color Anaglyph

Optimized Anaglyph
